Saturday, November 17, 2012

Ninth mainland players with Fun server's Association chapter in the United States

The union is a top priority of the U.S. server, because players from different countries of the world, the Society is no exception here, sometimes a trade union on behalf of the dignity and honor of a country. Game developers for the U.S. server agents Guild war stands to reason that should already be on the line, but due to national factors and time zone differences, the guild war delay on the line, but now, according to the brother from the official website, as well as news from the point of view of the testing service, the Association warrior on the line in the next update, the news has been confirmed.

, It would like to mention only one server, U.S. server, which is the login screen. (1)

See that Global Sever Time? Western United States time, all updates and activity time to that subject. (2)

US Sever server, EU European server.

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